The names are still there though, so if you’re super sensitive to this stuff you should probably do Ctrl+F and pop in the specific boss you’re having trouble with. I also did that because I found it funny. In order to prevent people being spoiled on a design, I’ve used artistic look-a-like imagery for all of them. It’s a list of all of them, from first to last (with a few optional ones in between). Now, obviously this article has the potential to spoil bosses.
Since I’ve slogged through all of them while reviewing the game, there should be at least one or two handy points of advice I can pass on. It can be annoying, though, to get stuck on one for hours on end. Going toe-to-toe with the tremendous (and, okay, a couple of slightly less tremendous) bosses in Dark Souls 3 is just as exhilarating as ever. Also read Dark Souls 3 Beginner’s Guide: Hints for Lothric Newbies